Research Policy
To establish the centre of research and development to facilitates for applying grants and guides researchers for potential funding sources. To ensure the institutional research plan to be carried out and its effective by cracking research output and outcomes. To explore the private funding potential for research support. Encouragement of quality research to flourish and gain prominent nationally and internationally Upholding of academic freedom to take up research projects. Providing the rights of all academic staff to conduct research and encourage in scholarship to publish their findings as well as their rights where applicable to seek research fund in support of their research. To provide guidelines and support optimum research activity in the campus. The recognition by research activity of academic staff to consider for career growth and administrative responsibility. To enhance patent creation and to build hub of technology incubator. To channelize research effort to find products and solution for local needs. To create scientific/technology tempers and sensitivity among the students. To convert academic research into innovation and then into products and services. R&D activities will be encouraged to develop tools, equipments and machineries for industries. Institutional mechanism will be created for technology transfer and innovation and centre of excellence will be developed in the areas of expertise. Institution of academic excellence will be created including FDP and shared laboratory interaction within the campus.