S. No | Project Name | Project Guide | MeasurableFactor |
1. | Human ActionDetection Using a Skeleton-Based Rectangular Grid and a 3D ConvolutionalNeural Network | Mr.M. MukeshKrishnan | Research |
2. | E-commerce webapplication with Crypto Wallets Gateway Integration | Mr.K.Sivakumar | Application |
3. | A Self -DiagnosisMedical Chatbot using Artificial Intelligence | Mrs. Benita B | Application |
4. | Airplane ticketfare prediction using random forest algorithm | Mrs.Jenifer P. | Application |
5. | Enhancing the fileconversion featurtes in PENCILCAD | Mrs.N. Raja Priya | Application |
6. | Implementation ofSemantic Style Transfer Based On The Mask R-CNN Algorithm | Mr.Mukesh KrishnanM. | Research |
7. | Image ForgeryDetection using Deep Learning | Mr.S.Malaiarasan | Research |
8. | A Framework todevelop geometric entities and printing 2D design in PencilCAD Application | Dr.G.AravindSwaminathan | Application |
9. | AI Based Trafficprediction using Hybrid XGBOOST And Linear Model Algorithm | Dr. S. Balaji | Application |
10. | Vehicle andObstacle Detection using Deep Learning. | Mrs.P.Brundha | Application |
11. | AI-based GeneticDisorder Prediction using Artificial Neural Network with Fog Computing | Mrs. P.Jenifer | Research |
12. | Deep ConvolutionalNeural Network for Real time Facial Expression Detection | Dr.S.Gomathi | Application |
13. | DNN basedmalicious attack detection system in edge computing | Mrs.Benita B | Application |
14. | Prediction ofcardiovascular disease using integrated machine learning | Mrs. Sharonnisha.M | Application |
15. | Real-time facemask detection and enabling of attendance using deep learning | Ms.Valarmathi R | Application |
16. | Implementation OfKaraoke Extraction Using CNN | Mr.K.Sivakumar | Research |
17. | Iot basedautomated Drones for Agriculture | Dr.R.Ravi | Application |
18. | Generating unittesting for the development of PencilCad using JUnit and RPA tool | Dr. AravindSwaminathan G | Application |
19. | Deploying PublicCloud Services in GCP and AWS Using Terraform as an Automation Tool | Dr.Manohar E | Research |
20. | A novel medicalImage encryption technique using hybrid steganography and cryptographytechnique | Ms.Valarmathi R | Research |
21. | Printed ID FacialImage Steganography to prevent Photograph Substitution Attack | Mrs. PriskillaAngel rani J | Application |
22. | Finding optimalpaths using network without learning it's unified classical approaches | Dr.Tino Merlin R. | Research |
23. | ForecastingElectricity Commodity Consumption and Pricing for Smart building using Deeplearning techniques | Mrs.M.BagyaLakshmi | Research |
24. | MultimodalBioscrypt using cryptologic for accessing ATM | Dr.S.Balaji | Application |
25. | DUMP VOICE:SignLanguage Recognition for deaf and dumb using Machine learning | Dr.E.Manohar | Application |
26. | Distributed HybridDouble - Spending Attack Prevention For Blockchain Techniques. | Mrs.M.Sharon Nisha | Research |
27. | Automatic plantleaf disease Recognition model using Convolutional Neural Network | Mrs.N.Rajapriya | Application |
28. | Enhancing thecrowd detection and monitoring using deep learning approach | Dr.C.YesubaiRubavathi | Application |
29. | Voice Recognitionusing Light Weight CNN | Mr.Sivaraj S | Application |
30. | Virtual Fence theGeospatial intelligence to Protect Enterprise Cloud Server Data | Mrs. P.Anishya | Research |
31. | Categorization ofmelanoma and Nevus in Graphical images for Diagnosis of skin cancer usingDeep Learning | Mrs.A.Muthulakshmi | Application |
S.No | ProjectName | ProjectGuide | Measurable Factor |
1 | Canteen foodordering system and management | Mr.M.MukeshKrishnan | Application |
2 | Accident detectionand alert app | Dr.E.Manohar | Application |
3 | Fake newsdetection Using machine learning | Dr.S.Balaji | Application |
4 | Dynamic resourceallocation for the vehicular multimedia could computing for priority basedtask scheduling | Mrs.PriskillaAngel Rani | Research |
5 | An InteractiveFramework for apparition of Weather Forecast Ensembles | Dr.G.AravindSwaminathan | Research |
6 | Detection of heartdisease using data mining techniques | Mrs.Jasmine Mary | Research |
7. | JointBeamformassesment for vehicular technology service | Mrs.N.RajaPriya | Product |
8 | Device forUnmasking the masked face by matching the facial features | Ms.R.Valarmathi | Product |
9 | Deep Learning andArtificial Intelligence approaches to improve COVID 19 care | Dr.S.Gomathi | Research |
10 | The modernizedapproach of diagnosing the patient with a Mobile-based Chatbot usingArtificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing | Mrs.P.Brundha | Application |
11 | Spammer detectionon product reviews using SVM and Random Forest Algorithms | Mrs.P.Jenifer | Application |
12 | AI based cardlessATM transaction using Face Recognition | Mrs.P.J.BeslinPajila | Application |
13 | Making bot forbusiness and College/School admission | Mr.Peer Mohammed | Application |
14 | Client managementwith finger printing and GPS | Mr.K.Sivakumar | Application |
15 | Detection of DDoSattack using hybrid machine learning algorithms | Dr.YesubaiRubavathi | Research |
16 | Object detectionand recognition in images using deep learning approach | Mrs. M. SharonNisha | Research |
17 | An advancedtechnique for protecting the banking transaction using Blockchain Technology | Mrs.B.Benita | Application |
18 | E-TextileCommunication | Mrs.B.Benita | Application |
19 | Rapid developmentof data transfer and storage counting bloom filter in cloud computing | Mrs. PriskillaAngel Rani | Product |
20 | Fingerprint basedonline secure transaction | Dr.G.AravindSwaminathan | Research |
21 | Online invoicingbased on QR code recognition | Dr.S.Gomathi | Product |
22 | Deep learningapproach for enhancing security of data using edge computing for secure datastorage | Mrs.P.Jenifer | Research |
23 | Incorporating anddefending against illegal content redistribution in encrypted cloud | Mr.Peer Mohammed | Research |
24 | A secret sharinggroup key management protocol of cloud storage in big data era | Mr.J.ZahariyaGabriel | Application |
25 | A novel predictionand control framework for waste water treatment process using deep learning | Dr.Yesubai Rubavathi | Application |
26 | Enhancing cybersecurity by combining NTRU key management with Artificial neural networkbased routing strategy | Mrs.Malaiarasan | Application |
27 | Inferring usersonline activities through traffic analysis | Dr.E.Manohar | Application |
28 | Data sharing withhiding sensitive information for secure cloud storage | Mrs.M.Sharon Nisha | Application |
29 | Trustworthyelectronic voting using adjusted blockchain technology | Mrs.P.J.BeslinPajila | Product |
30 | Secured datasharing for dynamic groups in cloud computing | Mrs.N.Raja Priya | Application |
31 | Automated lungnodule segmentation and classsification using convolutional neural network | Mr.K.Sivakumar | Application |
32 | Word reorderingApproch for machine translation of dravidian languages | Mr.Mukesh Krishnan | Application |
33 | An approach forprediction of Crop yield using machine learning | Mrs.Jasmine Mary | Application |
34 | Novel approach foronline mining of temporal maximal utility item sets from data streams | Mrs.M.Muthulakshmi | Application |
S.No | ProjectName | ProjectGuide | Measurable Factor |
1 | Smart trafficmanagement and fuel monitoring system using IOT | Dr. G. AravindSwaminathan | Application |
2 | Dynamic cloudResource Allocation considering Demand Uncertainty | Dr.E.Manohar | Research |
3 | Spam detection andfake user identification in social network | Mr.Peer Mohamed | Application |
4 | Voice based OnlineExamination For Visually Challenged Candidates Using NLP Algorithm | Mrs.S.Gomathi | Research |
5 | Privacy Aware DATAdeduplication for Side Channel in Cloud Storage | Mr.S.Malaiarasan | Research |
6 | Smart Monitoringand Managing the Medicine Details of the Patient Digitally using AndroidApplication | Mrs.N.RajaPriya | Research |
7. | Online cafeteriafood ordering service | Mr.M.Mukeshkrishnan | Product |
8 | Similar ObjectTracking Using High Resolution Recognition. | Mr.M.Mukeshkrishnan | Product |
9 | Bus TrackingSystem in Live location Tracking and seat Identifying using G-Map with IOT | Dr.E.Manohar | Product |
10 | AI Automatic CodeGenerator Through Voice. | Mrs.P.Jenifer | Application |
11 | College communityapplication | Mr.K.Sivakumar | Application |
12 | Image Processingand GCM Based Surveillance Monitoring System Using Android Application | Dr.S.Gomathi | Application |
13 | Real time businessanalytics with complaint tracking through web application. | Mrs.B.Benita | Application |
14 | A secureverifiable ranked choice online voting system based on homomorphicencryption. | Ms.R.Valarmathi | Application |
15 | Home automationsystem based on IOT. | Mrs.P.Brundha | Product |
16 | Leaf DiseaseDetection using SVM Classifier Algorithm | Dr.S.Gomathi | Research |
17 | Efficientoblivious Data Structure for Database Services on Network Security. | Mrs.Rajapriya | Product |
18 | DNA Compressionusing RLE Encoder and Huffman Encoder | Mrs.M.Sharon Nisha | Application |
19 | Hostel ManagementSystem using Android Application | Mrs.P.J.BeslinPajila | Product |
20 | Product ReviewSentimental Analysis Using Python | Mrs.P.Brundha | Research |
21 | Content Managementsystem with full fledged style UI | Dr.S.Balaji | Research |
22 | Unterwater ImageUsing Residual Based Deep CNN | Mrs.B.Benita | Research |
23 | Real time businessanalytics with complaint tracking through web application | Mrs.B.Benita | Research |
24 | A secureverifiable ranked choice online voting system based on homomorphic encryption | Ms.R.Valarmathi | Application |
25 | Leaf DiseaseDetection using SVM Classifier Algorithm | Mrs.S.Gomathi | Application |
26 | Home automationsystem based on IOT | Mrs.P.Brundha | Application |
27 | Efficientoblivious Data Structure for Database Services on Network Security | Mrs.Rajapriya | Application |
28 | DNA Compressionusing RLE Encoder and Huffman Encoder | Mrs.M.Sharon Nisha | Application |
29 | Hostel ManagementSystem using Android Application | Mrs.P.J.BeslinPajila | Product |
30 | Product ReviewSentimental Analysis Using Python | Mrs.P.Brundha | Application |
31 | Content Managementsystem with full fledged style UI. | Dr.S.Balaji | Application |
32 | Unterwater ImageUsing Residual Based Deep CNN | Mrs.B.Benita | Application |
33 | Android BasedProduct Identification and Expiry Reminder App Using Qr-Code | Mr.M.Mukeshkrishnan | Application |
34 | Real timemonitoring of rocket engine performance using Ethercat | Mr.J.A.Jevin | Application |
35 | An Application forFarmer Marketing Analysis | Mrs.B.Benita | Application |
36 | Detectingfradulantappliction and traitor on smartphone - A reverse Engineeringapproach | Dr.E.Manohar | Application |
37 | Hand writtencharacter recognition using deep learning convolution neural networks | Mr.K.Sivakumar | Application |
38 | ExaminationAutomation System | Mr.M.Mukeshkrishnan | Application |
39 | Secure andefficient cloud computing framework | Mrs.B.Benita | Application |
40 | Parking spotindicator in vicinity based on android application | Mrs.M.Sharon Nisha | Application |
41 | A generalframework for edited vedio and raw vediosummaraization | Mr.Peer Mohamed | Application |
42 | Feedback autonomicprovisioning | Mr.J.A.Jevin | Product |
43 | Real –timesentiment prediction on streaming social network data using in memoryprocessing | Dr.G.AravindSwaminathan | Application |
44 | AcademicCertificate verification system based on blockchain technology usingencryption algorithm | Dr.G.AravindSwaminathan | Application |
45 | Detection ofcancer in Human Blood Sample based on Microscopic Images and machine learningalgorithms | Mrs.P.Brundha | Application |
46 | Search engineoptimized webinar management system using the serverless system | Mr.Peer Mohamed | Application |
47 | Real timemonitoring of rocket engine performance using Ethercat | Mr.J.A.Jevin | Research |
Best and Average Student Projects(2021-2022)
S.No | Project Title | Student Name |
1 | E-commerceweb application with Crypto Wallets Gateway Integration | AbulHassan Sathuli M AAruthiraArun Raja A R R |
2 | ASelf -Diagnosis Medical Chatbot using Artificial Intelligence | AkashVDuraiNanthakumar M |
3 | ImageForgery Detection using Deep Learning | AtchayaEGiftMarshlin J |
4 | AIBased Traffic prediction using Hybrid XGBOOST And Linear Model Algorithm | ChitraVKavithaP |
5 | DeepConvolution Neural Network for Real time Facial Expression Detection | HawwaJaasmin PLakshmiK |
6 | ForecastingElectricity Commodity Consumption and Pricing for Smart building using Deeplearning techniques | RajeshMSudhersunM |
7 | DUMPVOICE:Sign Language Recognition for deaf and dumb using Machine learning | NoorulAfiya ZSalmaMofika M |
8 | Enhancingthe crowd detection and monitoring using deep learning approach | SankaraIsai Selvam PSaurabhAMohamedIsmail S |
9 | VoiceRecognition using Light Weight CNN | MariRajan GYogeshPethuram TVijayaNaveen Raj S |
10 | Categorizationof melanoma and Nevus in Graphical images for Diagnosis of skin cancer usingDeep Learning | ShelshyaGold NShobika |
Best and Average Student Projects(2020-2021)
S.No | Project Title | Student Name |
1 | AIBased predictor and NLP Processed ordering system for canteen mobile app. | AvudaiappanS MohamedAnees S ThirumaranL |
2 | VehicleAccident detection and alert app | AbilashBerkin A BaskarS GanapathyKarthikeyan R |
3 | Themodernized approach of diagnosing the patient with a Mobile-based Chatbotusing Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing | EsakkiammalS EssakkiammalS GandhiMathi V |
4 | Deeplearning approach for enhancing security of data using edge computing forsecure data storage | MuthuAbsara MSathyaBsSrirajaLakshmi |
5 | Anovel prediction and control framework for waste water treatment processusing deep learning | MuthuSelvi PSwetha.AOliviaAngel |
6 | Makingbot for business and College/School admission automation usingArtificialIntellegence Markup Language | BoothaGanesh M KarthickR MelvinPaul S |
7 | ApplyingDeep learning techniques using cross validation predictor for Intrusiondetection | EzhilArasan M JayaPrakash Anthony MaharajanA |
8 | Rapiddevelopment of data transfer and storage counting bloom filter in cloudcomputing | Iyappan.M Nivas.GPerumalLaxman.B |
9 | Inferringusers online activities through traffic analysis | NewtonMotha R Madasamy RSudarshan.R |
10 | Anadvanced technique for protecting the banking transaction using BlockchainTechnology | EaswaryaM ManoDurga M |