Sl.No | Publications |
1. | Gomathi, S. Gopala Krishnan.C, High energy efficient lifetime management system and trust management framework for manet using self-configurable cluster mechanism", Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, February 2021. |
2. | Gomathi, S. Gopala Krishnan.C “Energy and Trust Management Framework for MANET using Clustering Algorithm” , Wireless Personal Communications , pp1-15, 2021 |
3. | M. Asha Paul, P.Arockia Jansi Rani, “Key Frame Extraction In Underwater Coral Reef Videos Using Jaccord Similarity Measure” in Journal of Analysis and Computation (JAC) |
4. | A. Anitha, Dr. S. Balaji, “ToGo Application for Corporate Company Cab Booking”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), ISSN: 2395-0056, Volume 09, Issue 02, Feb 2022. |
5. | Anitha Amaithi Rajan, Dr. M. Vargheese, V. Ebenezer, P. J. Beslin Bajila, J. Yamuna Bee, P. kanagalakshmi,” Classification Techniques for Predicting Breast Cancer: A Technical Review”, Journal of Xidian University, Volume 15, Issue 7, pp. 141 – 154, 2021. (Scopus Indexed) |
6. | A.Anitha, Mrs.P.Kanaga Lakshmi, Dr. M. Vargheese, S.Nandhini, P. Karunya Devi, N. Shanmugapriya, M. Subbulakshmi, “Direct Sales of Agricultural Commodities”, Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Volume 23, Issue 6, pp.1252 -1256, June – 2021. (Scopus Indexed) |
Sl.No | Publications |
1. | S. Gomathi , V.Senthur Selvi, “Proxy traceable attribute based search system for secure cloud storage”, International Journal of Research in Advanced Technology – IJORAT (ISSN ONLINE – 2456-2769) Vol. 4, Issue 1, FEBRUARY 2019 |
2. | S. Gomathi , V.Senthur Selvi, “Efficient search system for secure cloud storage by CP-ABE Algorithm”, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Vol. 6, Issue 1, March 2019 |
3. | Gomathi S & Manimegalai, D, “Hierarchically distributed peer-to-peer architecture for load balancing and effective dynamic group scheduling in grid computing”, Int. J. Business Information Systems, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp.312 - 323 ,2019 |
4. | M. Asha Paul,P.Arockia Jansi Rani, Liba Manopriya ,2020, “Gradient Based Aura Feature Extraction For Coral Reef Classification” in Wireless Personnal Communication, Springer Publisher [ SCIE indexed- IF- 1.67] |
5. | M. Asha Paul, P.Arockia Jansi Rani, Evangelin Deva Sheela, 2019, “Coral Reef Classification using Improved WLD Feature Extraction with Convolution Neural Network Classification” in Recent Advances in Computer science and Communications [Scopus Indexed] |
6. | J Kavitha, P Arockia Jansi Rani, M Asha Paul, 2020 “An Efficient Shot Boundary Detection Using Data-cube Searching Technique”, in Recent Advances in Computer science and Communications [Scopus Indexed] |
7. | M. Asha Paul, P.Arockia Jansi Rani, 2020, “Gradient based New Directional Pattern Feature Extraction for Coral Reef Classification” in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Springer[ SCIE Indexed, Impact Factor- 2.513] |
8. | S. Gomathi , P.Jenefa, “Detection of Multiple Attackers and Provide Security for UAV Networks”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-5, March 2020 |
9. | Gomathi, S., Gopala Krishnan, C.,“Malicious Node Detection in Wireless Sensor networks Using an Efficient Secure Data Aggregation Protocol”, Wireless Personal Communications , Volume 113, issue 4, August 2020, pp. 1775–1790 |
9. | Anitha Amaithi Rajan, M. Vargheese, J. Yamuna Bee, P. Kanagalakshmi and K. Soniya, “Recognition and Classification of Normal and Affected Agriculture using Fruit Disease Detection”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 07 Issue: 11, pp.1080 – 1083, Nov 2020. |
10. | Anitha Amaithi Rajan, Arun Amaithi Rajan, “Data Anonymization Techniques for Preserving Privacy in Public Release Data Model: A Technical Review,” International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science and Engineering, Volume 08, Issue.01, pp.58-62, 2020. |
11. | Anitha Amaithi Rajan, Aravind Swaminathan, Brundha, “A Novel Clustering Algorithm for DEEC Protocol Based on Game Theory in WSN Sensors”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), Volume 08, Issue 03, pp. 91 – 95, March 2019. |
12. | Anitha Amaithi Rajan, Aravind Swaminathan, Beslin Pajila, Brundha, “A Comparative Analysis of LEACH, TEEN, SEP and DEEC in Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm for WSN Sensors”, In International Conference on Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks (ICICV) 2019, Springer, LNDECT 33, pp. 395 – 403, 2020. |
Sl.No | Publications |
1. | Gomathi S & Manimegalai, D, 2011, ‘An Analysis of MIPS Group Based Job Scheduling Algorithm with other Algorithms in Grid Computing’, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 6, No 3, November 2011. |
2. | Gomathi S & Manimegalai, D, 2014, ‘Keyless Cryptography in Grid Computing using Cyclic Shift Transposition Algorithm’, Journal Of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, vol.63, no.1, pp. 112-118, ISSN : 1992-8645 . |
3. | Mrs. S. Gomathi , Ms. K. Muthu krishna veni, Highly secured and efficient HSOC for mobile health care system, International , Feb 28,2014, ISSN:2321-7782, Vol 2,Issue 2., IJARCSMS publication. |
4. | Gomathi S & Manimegalai, D, 2016, ‘Efficient Keyword Search using Encrypted Text in Grid Computing Architecture’, International Journal of Business Information systems, vol 21,no.2,pp.195-205,ISSN : 17460972 . |
5. | S. Gomathi, M. Bagya Lakshmi, “A novel approach for video-restoration using group based sparse representation”, International Journal of advanced Research in Computer Engineering and Technology, ISSN :2278-1323,Vol 4, Issue 2,2015. |
6. | Mrs. S. Gomathi , P Deepa, “Secure search scheme of encrypted data on mobile cloud”, |
7. | International Journal of Advances in Engineering Research , e-ISSN: 2231-5152/ p-ISSN: 2454-1796, Vol. No. 11, Issue No. I, 2016. |
8. | Mrs. S. Gomathi ,D.Nishan Nithya “ Hop by Hop authentication scheme using MAC for WSN”, International journal of Engineering Research-online(ijoer), Vol.No.4,Issue No, PageNo:- 17-21,2016 |
9. | S. Gomathi , D.Nishan Nithya “ Hop by Hop Authentication Scheme using ECDSA for WSN”, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Print ISSN: 0974,JCHPS Special Issue 11: July 2017,pp 42-45. |
10. | Dr.S.Gomathi, P.Jagatheaswari, “A Hybrid Node Localization Technique In Underwater Sensor Network Using Node Localization Correction Approach”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Innovative Discoveries in Engineering and Applications, Vol.3, Issue 2,27 April 2018, pg. 1-8. |
11. | M. Asha Paul, J.Kavitha, P.Arockia Jansi Rani, 2018 ‘Key-Frame Extraction Techniques: A Review’, Recent Patents on Computer Science, Vol.11, issue .1 pp 3-16[Scopus Indexed] |
12. | Anitha Amaithi Rajan, Aravind Swaminathan, Beslin Pajila, Brundha, “A Comparative Analysis of LEACH and HEED in Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 13, Issue 22, pp. 15465-15469, November 2018. |
13. | Anitha.A, “Iot Based Secure E-Health System in Blockchain Environment”, International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering, Volume 05, Issue 03, pp. 168-172, March 2018. |